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2019 Elite Girls Summer League Registration
Summer League will run out of Vassar College on Tuesday and Thursday nights between 6& 8PM there will be one practice and one game each week. On practice days we will also bring in Northstar Sports to work on strength and conditioning with our athletes.

Cost per athlete is $165

League will start July 8, 2019 and run through August 23, 2019.

Teams will be limited to 10 athletes per team.

Please send any questions to us at

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Email *
Athlete First and Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Address *
Grade ( as of today) *
School *
Parents Names
Mothers Cell Phone
Fathers Cell Phone
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Checking this box indicates I understand that my spot is only reserved once payment is received by Elite Basketball of the Hudson Valley and you make payment in person or send your check in to 35 Patrick Lane Suite 3 Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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