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INQUA SEQS Conference 2021
We invite you to participate in the “Quaternary Stratigraphy – paleoenvironment and human in Eurasia” on-line meeting of Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy, which is planned
13.12.2021 in Wroclaw.
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I intend to give a presentation:
Title of presentation
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Please select your scientific topics
Karst and Cave sequences – On the occasion of the International Year of Caves and Karst areas
Quaternary stratigraphy, chronology, geomorphology, and tectonics
Humans and environment during Quaternary – environmental and faunal changes, hominid dispersion in Europe
From hot to cold – Quaternary interglacials and glacials in Europe
Major regional subdivisions of the Quaternary in European and Asian regions: towards a common database (DATESTRA)
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I intend to contribute to the Proceedings Volume (special issue of Quaternary International)
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A copy of your responses will be sent by e-mail to the address provided. If you have any questions, write to
. Team SEQS
15.11.2021 – Start of registration.
30.11.2021 – Deadline for Abstract Submission. After this deadline we cannot accept any more
scientific contributions with abstracts.
05.12.2021 – 2nd Circular with a definitive programme.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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