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GRADs Persist GRAD Helping Hub Request Form for our College Students
To receive services and supportive assistance from the GRAD Helping Hub, you will need to complete this short form.  Once submitted, you will receive a phone call to follow-up within 24 business hours.  YOU WILL NEED TO COMPLETE AN INTAKE INTERVIEW BY PHONE FOR US TO DETERMINE IF WE WILL BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH ASSISTANCE.
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Email *
What is the best time of day to reach you? *
If there is a specific day and/or time, please provide here: *
First Name and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Address: Include Street Numbers, Street Name, Apartment Number, City, State, and Zip code *
Provide working email address - one that you check regularly *
Please check any of the following services you are interested in receiving: *
Are you currently enrolled in a college, university or vocational school? *
If Yes please list school and location (City, State) *
Once we receive your request, we will contact you by phone to gather more information about your needs and let you know how we will be able to help you.  Thank you for requesting assistance from Project GRAD Akron's GRAD Helping Hub.
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