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Volunteer Sign-Up Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for our 39th Anniversary Gala!  Please complete the registration below and submit and we'll be in touch to confirm.  Many thanks for your support of children in our community!

WHEN: Saturday May 11, 2024

WHERE: Fremont Studios: 155 N 35th St, Seattle, WA 98103

Please direct any questions to or 206-682-8447
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Cell Phone *
Mailing Address
Age *
Company/Organization/School *
Are you available to volunteer from 3:30 to 10:30 pm on May 11?
Please share any schedule concerns or limitations you have.
Have you volunteered at the NWCF Gala in the past? *
Do you have a preference on your assignment(s)? Check all that you are interested and/or feel that you could do a good job with.  
Would you be interested in volunteering for some gala-preparation projects at the NWCF office in the weeks leading up to the Gala? (If yes, please share information about your schedule/availability below.)
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Other comments or special requests (e.g., needs on the ground, friend you want to work with, dietary restrictions or work limitations)
Are you volunteering for school service hours? *
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