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CUNY Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies
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Q2. CUNY Affiliation - please select from dropdown.
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Q4. CMCS is planning a virtual workshop this spring. When would be best for you to remotely connect on zoom with the CMCS community in March 2023?
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Q5. Why might you attend this event? What are your expectations?  If applicable, please include a brief description of your current interests, projects, activities, work in the area of mindfulness/contemplative studies.
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Q6. What are the most important elements of a CMCS gathering for you? Check all that apply.
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Q7. What type of participation might serve you best? Check all that apply.
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Q8. Are you interested in partnering with CMCS to help plan the event?
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Q9. Optional - Please add any additional clarifying information/suggestions e.g., Might a physical space/meeting option be of interest to you?
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