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Marketing Co-op Survey
The purpose of this survey is to gauge interest in a variety of potential marketing benefits or services. Thanks for participating! You're awesome. 😎
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Email *
Do you consider yourself part of a marginalized or disadvantaged identity? 
This can include being a person of color, chronically ill, LGBTQIA, or neurodiverse, to name a few. 
Do you live outside the United States? *
What genre do you write in? *
How would you categorize your publishing activities? Please check all that apply. *
Please rate how interested you would be in the following services/benefits where 1 is not at all and 5 is very interested. *
1 (not interested)
3 (neutral)
5 (very interested)
Marketing ebook library
Workshops to learn marketing skills
Discounts on services like Bookfunnel, Canva or Publishwide
Direct sales support
Anthologies in your genre
Newsletter help/accountability
Licenses for software like Microsoft Word
Group giveaways
Promotional events like Stuff Your E-reader (Zoebub)
Tax help
Business plan assistance
Groups to organize live signing events or share tables
Monthly marketing opportunity round-up
Networking with other authors
What's your greatest marketing strength? 
What's your greatest marketing challenge? 
Have you read any books about marketing? If so, were they helpful?
Have you taken any classes about marketing? If so, were they helpful?
What do you know about cooperatives? 
Anything else you'd like us to know? 
Would you like to be added to an infrequent newsletter to be notified as the co-op grows and progresses?
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