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Отримайте кошти на реалізацію проєктів в Україні в рамках Ukraine Facility

Заохочуємо підприємців, громадські організації, громади заповнити форму, описавши коротко проєкт англійською.

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Project name 

(for example, construction of a wind farm in the Odessa region)



(for example, energy)

Time in which the project can be launched; level of preparation

(implementation time and level of preparation, information on whether the project has the appropriate documentation, e.g. feasibility study, planning permission, consents processes, etc.)
Information about the region of Ukraine where the project is to be implemented

(Indication of the level of oblast (at least), and if possible in more detail)

Information about the project promoter - whether the investment is related to the local government/public sector and information about the scale of the involvement of the Polish capital/partner

(Investors; if the project applicant is a company that is only to carry out activities for the investor, please provide detailed information on the transaction and the structure/form of the project implementation; in particular, please provide information on projects where the Polish company is negotiating specific projects with local government authorities.)


Other important information: investment size (range), expected financing period, investment start date

any information which may be relevant to the bank and which is not provided for in the other sections

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