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 Holiday Angel Sponsor Form
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Email *
What is your name? *
Please check which you wish to provide. *
Tell us the number of children in a family to be adopted: (specify the number of children you wish to provide gifts for) *
Are you willing to adopt a family that has mental health or other health issues? *
I prefer to have direct contact with my adopted family and personally deliver gifts *
I prefer to only adopt a family with children under 13 *
I will take a family from anywhere in the Metro Detroit Area *
In what city do you live? *
I would also like to help the family I adopt with food for Thanksgiving *
I would be interested in helping a family all year *
Is there anything you'd like to add? *
If making a monetary donation please make check payable to: THE PHILIP HOUSE MISSION Please include “Holiday Angel” in memo or online at CashApp: $thephiliphouse1 *
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