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Disability Studies in the Tri-Co
Hello! We are tri-co (Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges) students and members of a few disability clubs (Disability Advocacy for Students at Haverford (DASH), Neurodiversity Affinity and Awareness Group, and Mawrtyrs for Access), and we're campaigning for our schools to add a Disability Studies minor, or at least more courses in the field. If you wouldn't mind, we'd appreciate it if you could fill out the below survey so we can show the provosts how much students want this!

The Society for Disability Studies can speak to the field's importance: “Disability Studies recognizes that disability is a key aspect of human experience, and that the study of disability has important political, social, and economic implications for society as a whole, including both disabled and nondisabled people” (2016).

Despite Disability Studies being a vibrant, fascinating, relevant field, and despite the tri-co schools' prestige, none of our schools offer much in terms of related classes, especially Bryn Mawr and (to a lesser extent) Haverford. But, these courses are very popular - according to Haverford Health Studies professor Dr. Kristin Lindgren, "all of these courses were fully enrolled and students want more!". Additionally, there are eleven disability/disability-related clubs in the tri-co, and all but one are student-led. Also, some people have independently minored in Disability Studies, so we know that there are enough courses to make it happen. So student interest is certainly not a problem.

You can read our full statement here:

Additionally, here is a link to a document, created by Professor Lindgren, Swat professor Donna Napoli, and some students, that has a list of current disability-related classes in the trico: We already have lots of classes - we just need an official minor!

Please feel free to share this petition with anyone and everyone! We want as many signatures as possible, especially from Tri-Co students. If you have any comments (ie, accessibility request, questions, feedback, etc), feel free to reach out at

Please delete the tab with this petition after you've signed - it'll help us prevent glitches with the form. Thanks!
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If you support the development of a Disability Studies minor in the tri-co, please put your name, school, class year, and role below (you can be anonymous if you want).
Examples: Sophie Greer Bryn Mawr College '23, Parent of Haverford '24 student, Swarthmore professor and alum '89, Anonymous Haverford '21 student
I confirm that, if I support this effort, I entered my name (or stayed anonymous) in the box for the question above. *
Would you be excited to see more Disability Studies courses/a Disability Studies minor offered by the Tri-Co? How much? *
Would you consider minoring in Disability Studies if you could, or would you have wanted to minor in it if it’s too late for you?
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Is there any particular course/area you'd like to see the most?
Anything else you want us to know (for example, why you want to see more Disability Studies courses in our schools)?
Can we anonymously quote your response to the above question in the letter to the provosts and any other materials we use to fight for this?
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What else you can do to help us convince our schools to establish this program
Thanks for signing this petition! Here's what else you can do:

Circulate this form! We need as many signatures as possible, preferably from current tri-co students, but people from UPenn can take it too!

You can circulate this form by sending it to friends and family, and we'd love it if you could bring it up in class (but only if you want to, of course :) ). You can also post it in Bryn Mawr/Bi-Co/Tri-Co/Haverford/Swarthmore Facebook groups. If you're on Bryn Mawr's Dorm Leadership Team, a leader in a Haverford Customs Group, or a Resident Assistant at Swarthmore, we'd recommend that you send this petition to the people on your hall!

Remember to provide the petition link, which is Our full statement is at if you need it.

Please delete the tab with this petition after you've signed - it'll help us prevent glitches with the form. Thanks!
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