Greater Greater Washington rebranding and relaunch survey
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Which category best describes your relationship with Greater Greater Washington
Choose the category that you feel BEST describes your relationship. We realize that more than one may apply.
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What are the first 3 words that come to mind when you think of Greater Greater Washington?
What's your favorite thing about Greater Greater Washington?
Don't have a single favorite thing? Tell us what you think makes us great.
What's your LEAST favorite thing about Greater Greater Washington?
Don't have a single least favorite thing? Tell us what you think is weak about Greater Greater Washington -- something we have to overcome or could improve.
What makes Greater Greater Washington different from other outlets you read?
Greater Greater Washington logo
This section relates to the Greater Greater Washington brand. Please think about our LOGO when answering these questions.
Our current logo:
Rate our current logo (see above) on a 1-5 scale:
It sucks!
It's the best!
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Do you recall seeing Greater Greater Washington's current logo (or components of it), whether that's on our site, our social media accounts, or elsewhere?
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Is there anything specific you like about our logo?
Is there anything specific you do NOT like about our logo?
Want to do more to help with branding?
We're looking for a handful of Greater Greater Washington friends and stakeholders to get a little more deeply involved in our rebranding process. If you're interested in helping, please leave us your contact info below!
Name (first and last)
Email address
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