FYP Alumni network - Forever Young Professionals application form
Forever Young Professionals is an independent organization, which gathers Finland Young Professionals alumni together. The goal of alumni network is to provide opportunities to nurture and to further develop professional networks created via active participation to FYP events. Alumni activities include get togethers, focus events, as well as possibility to take part FYP events. Alumni network also aims at bringing knowledge, networks and experience to benefit FYP's organization, networks and members.

Please fill the following information to apply for Forever Young Professionals WhatsApp group. 

All alumni information will be shared at WhatsApp channel. Forever Young Professionals keeps all rights to accept/discard all applications and govern WA group members and information. All application information will be discarded after the evaluation of application. No personal information is stored by Forever Young Professionals.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Name *
Phone number (needed for WhatsApp group) *
Which FYP Network company you have worked for? *
Which FYP event(s) have you participated? *
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