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Crash Course in Hebrew at BJX- 5 WEEKS!
Refer a friend! Learn conversational Hebrew together!
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First name? *
Last name? *
What College did you attend (or are you currently attending)? if you're employed, please tell us what you do. *
Tell us a little about your Jewish background? Have you ever attended any formal Jewish schooling or camp? *
We respect your privacy and do not share information.
Is your mom or dad Jewish? *
We respect your privacy and do not share information.
What's your cell #? *
We may need to reach in case we suddenly reschedule a class :(
How did you hear about this course? *
Please specify the person's name, or advertisment (i.e. FB, radio, email, etc).
What's your email? *
We do not share your info with anyone.
What's your age? *
We do not share your info with anyone.
The entire Course cost just $36. Click below to pay. *
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