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Affordable Course Materials Use on Campus
As part of a regional effort, the library is gathering information about how faculty are using affordable or open access materials in classes. Please share as much information as you feel comfortable with.
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How often do your require a textbook in your classes?
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Textbook costs are a serious problem for my students
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Select any actions you've taken to reduce textbook costs for your students:
How familiar are you with Open Educational Resources (OERs)? OERs are defined as "teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others."
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How often have you used each type of affordable course materials in your classes? [if Never/NA, skip to next page]
Library articles
Library ebooks
Free/open textbooks
Other OERs
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Please list the classes you have used open textbooks or OERs in:
When did you use open textbooks or OERs?
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