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Ellen DeGeneres' Manipulation of Language and its Impact on The Audience and GuestStars
Dear respondents,
This survey seeks to inspect the manipulation strategies used by the famous talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres
and whether or not the audience recognize and are familiar with these particular strategies. It also aims to
investigate whether such behaviors influence viewers of all ages.
The questionnaire is strictly confidential, and the information collected will only be used for academic purposes
Thank you in advance for your time and effort.
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Gender *
Age *
Q1: Are you a frequent viewer of The Ellen show? *
Q2: Are you a fan of Ellen DeGeneres? *
Q3: How often do you watch The Ellen show? *
Q4: Do you find her funny? *
Q5: Please explain the reason behind your answer in Q4: *
Q6: Does her sense of humor affect yours? *
If your answer was “yes” in Q6, please explain how (If your answer was no, please skip to question 7):
Q7: What is your favorite segment on her show? *
Q8: Please explain the reason behind your answer in Q7 (please mention your answer too) *
Q9: Are you familiar with the term “manipulation”? *
Q10: If you answered yes, can you please explain your understanding of what it means? (If you answered no, skip to question 12)
Q11: Do you think Ellen uses manipulation strategies while interviewing her guest stars?
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Q12: Do you think the pranks she does on her show influence her younger viewers negatively? *
Q13: Assuming some of the pranks on her show are staged, do you think the celebrities being pranked were manipulated by Ellen to go with it for the sake of staying relevant or being talked about in the media? *
Q14: Please explain your answer: *
Q15: In your opinion what are some things that Ellen does (to her star guests or audience) that you find odd?
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