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2014 Turn Up the BASE Application
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Name *
Address *
Include street address, city, and zip code
Cell Phone or Home Phone *
If cell phone is it ok to text?
Email *
Date of Birth *
Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Name *
Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Phone *
Turn Up the BASE is a 3 day, 2 night mini-conference on Friday, August 1-Sunday, August 3.  It will be held at Point Reyes Hostel in Point Reyes National Seashore (transportation provided).  Will you be able to attend the conference in its entirety? *
If "no", please explain
Turn Up the BASE is a conference exclusively for youth of color.  Please indicate how you identify: *
Race (check all that apply)
Turn Up the BASE is a conference exclusively for gender marginalized youth (womyn/women or transgender).  Please indicate how you identify: *
School attending, fall 2014 *
Why are you interested in attending the Turn Up the BASE conference? *
What do you think is the biggest issue facing people of color in your community? *
By signing below, I attest to the truthfulness of all information listed on this application and agree to all the above terms and conditions. *
Please provide your electronic signature by typing your full name
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