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What does the skilled communication rubric examine? *
Consider the following activity: students are asked to produce a podcast on a hurricane for their journalism class, including a written script and the final audio podcast. Can the communication be considered multi-modal? *
Teacher Joe, is motivated teacher who always strive to integrate ICT in Entrepreneurship subject that he teachers. He is now on unit 7 interpersonal communication and he has designed the following activity to enhance skilled communication competence. "In groups use, Google docs and compose a 2 page essay, analsying the strategies of effective communication in business". the essay should include examples and facts of their research. Which level is this activity in terms of skilled communication? *
Teacher Joe, is motivated teacher who always strive to integrate ICT in Entrepreneurship subject that he teachers. He is now on unit 7 interpersonal communication and he has designed the following activity to enhance skilled communication competence. "In groups use, Google docs and compose a 2 page essay, analsying the strategies of effective communication in business". the essay should include examples and facts of their research. Which changes does teacher need to make this activity reach  at level 4 of skilled communication? *
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