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Ban appeal form for Dellor stream / socials
Below is the form to appeal your ban or block from Dellor's Twitch chat, Youtube chat, Discord, or being blocked on Twitter. Enter the username in the fields you are appealing your ban for. Leave other fields blank or put a N/A

If you are not sure why you were banned, it could be because of the following:

1) You broke some sort of rule

2) You were annoying

3) Streamer didn't like you or your message

4) Mods didn't like you or your message

5) Your account, or a mod's account, might have been compromised in some way

6) You harassed someone, harmed someone, annoyed someone etc on one of dellor's social media platforms

7) You were annoying to another streamer or their community

8) Mods or Dellor might have misclicked and accidently banned you. Accidents happen when dellor is mad.

If you were banned for racism/sexism/transphobia/homophobia within the last 6 months you will not be unbanned. If you were banned for doxxing you will not be unbanned under any circumstances. (Doxxing is the act of taking someone's private information and releasing it to the public or using it to harass them)

A good, thorough explanation of what happened is expected. Saying "unban me lul" will not work. We will check whatever logs are available to come to a conclusion.

It takes us time to do ban appeals so please have patience.

Dellor does not read ban appeals.
Email *
What platform were you banned on? *
Your CURRENT Twitch username
Your CURRENT YouTube username (Note: It is very difficult to unban on YouTube, sometimes impossible.) Best way is to add a link to a stream VOD where your chat shows up in the chat replay. DO NOT link the vod where you were banned, it MUST be a vod before your ban! Please add a timestamp in the link.
Your CURRENT Twitter username
Your Discord Tag (Example: Catsensual?#7777)
When did you receive your ban? *
Do you think your ban was justified? *
Why do you think you should get unbanned? *
Where can we contact you?  *
Anything else you want to add? (Past usernames are appreciated here)
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