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Foirm Iarratais do Spórt Uisce 2024
Líon isteach an fhoirm iarratais seo le do thoil más spéis leat teacht ag obair linn in imeachtaí Spórt Uisce an choláiste i rith an tsamhraidh 2024. Tabhair faoi ndeara go bhfuil cáilíochtaí Spórt Uisce ag teastáil chomh maith le cumas maith Gaeilge labhartha.
Please fill in the form below if you are interested in working with us in our water-based sports activities in our summer college on the Dingle Peninsula. Please note that water-based sports qualifications are essential for this role as well as a good spoken knowledge of Irish.
* Indicates required question
Record my email address with my response
Spórt Uisce 2024
Cad is ainm duit (ainm & sloinne)?
Your answer
D'uimhir PPS?
PPS number
Your answer
Dáta breithe.
Date of birth
Your answer
Do sheoladh rphoist.
Email address
Your answer
D'uimhir fóin.
Mobile phone number
Your answer
D'uimhir fóin arís.
Repeat mobile phone number
Your answer
Do sheoladh baile le d'eircód san áireamh.
Home address including eircode
Your answer
An bhfuil cáilíocht agat mar theagascóir in aon cheann de na spórt uisce seo a leanas? (tabhair faoi ndeara go bhfuil bun-riachtanas de leibhéal 1 le RSR 1 atá in dáta ag teastáil)
Do you hold an instructor's qualification in any of the following water-based sports? (please note that we require a minimum of instructor level 1 with RSR 1, in date)
Cadhcáil / Kayaking instructor
Seaschéaslóireacht / SUP instructor
Bád Seoil / Sailing instructor
Luasbhád / Power-boat qualification
Níl / No
Tabhair breis eolais dúinn le do thoil maidir le do cháilíochtaí spórt uisce le bliain na cáilíochta san áireamh.
Please give more details of your water-based sports qualifications including the year of achievement.
Your answer
Ar bhain tú cáilíocht amach le déanaí in aon cheann acu seo a leanas?
Do you hold a recent qualification in any of the following?
Garda tarrthála i línn snámha / Pool life-guard
Garda tarrthála sa bhfarraige / Sea life-guard
Garchabhair / First Aid
Níl / No
An mó bliana taithí atá agat ag plé le spórt uisce?
How many years experience do you have in dealing with water-based sports?
Your answer
An mbeifeá sásta cúrsaí breise a dhéanamh in imeachtaí spórt uisce, eagraithe chun cáilíochtaí breise a bhaint amach, más cuí?
Would you be willing to undertake extra courses in water-based sports activities to add to your qualifications, where appropriate?
Bheinn / Yes
Ní Bheinn / No
Cén leibhéal cumais cainte atá sa Ghaelainn agat?
What level of spoken Irish do you have?
Tosnaitheoir / Beginner
Meánleibhéal / Intermediate
Líofa / Fluent
Níl mórán Gaelainne agam ach bheinn sásta cúrsa a dhéanamh chun feabhas a chur uirthi. / I don't have much Irish but I'd be willing to undertake an Irish language course
Cathain a bheifeá ar fáil chun oibriú linn, má thairiscítear post duit?
When would you be available to work for us, if offered a position here?
Your answer
An bhfuil tú in oideachas tríú leibhéal faoi láthair, nó sa mheánscoil, ag obair, nó eile?
Are you currently in third level education, secondary school, working, or other?
Your answer
Aon eolas ábharach eile?
Any other relevant information?
Your answer
Síniú /
Your answer
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