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2024 - Grand Island Little League - 4th of July Parade March
Grand Island Little League is excited to march in the (54th Anniversary) 4th of July Independence Day Parade on Grand Island. Our Little League would like to demonstrate a strong showing by having as many players/parents and coaches to march (with their game jerseys & hats on) in order to represent our organization. We hope that you will consider marching and celebrating with us! Please see the information and instructions below!

Road Closure and Event Timeline Information 
  • Road closures will take place between 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 
  • 8:30 a.m. G.I. Blvd. closes from traffic circle to intersection of G.I. Blvd. and Baseline Rd. 
  • 8:45 a.m. – Baseline Road closes from Alvin Rd. to Whitehaven Rd. 
  • 9:00 a.m. – Kids run starts 
  • 9:10 a.m. – Adult run starts 
  • 9:45 a.m. (approx.) – Baseline Road opens 
  • 10:00 a.m. (approx.)  –  Parade starts 
  • 11:30 a.m. (approx.)  –  Parade ends 
  • 12:00 p.m. (approx.) – All roads open  
PARADE LINE-UP: will be posted online on Tues. July 2 at: &
Town website: and
“FINAL LINE-UP” will be posted online on Wed. July 3, by 4:00 p.m. No other changes will be made.

1. Once the town shares our assigned meeting spot (on Tuesday July 2nd) we will share this information with you!
Arrive and park prior to the 8:30am road closures. Please feel free to bring lawn chairs, drinks, snacks and backyard games to set up in the parking lot to help pass the time before the parade begins at 10:00am. 
2. Please wear your GILL issued team gear and jersey & hat from this season. 
3. Each Tee ball or Peewee level player must be accompanied (throughout the march) by at least one supporting parent/guardian in addition to any participating coaches.
Players in the International division (and older) must have at least one adult/coach (to supervise) per team participating in the parade. Players are expected to remain with their group and supervisor for the duration of the march. Parents are welcome to join and offer support. 
4. Complete the brief google form to notify GILL of your participation. 

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you there!

Jordan Neufeld 
Email *
Please list the first and last name of each player participant marching in the parade:
In the event that a child was to become separated from a parent/guardian during or after the parade, please provide the best emergency contact NAME & PHONE number for this parent/guardian in order to coordinate a meeting spot. 
please include the best EMAIL below (for updates and communication regarding this event):  *
How many GILL players in your household will be marching in the parade? *
Of the players marching in the parade, what division(s) did they play in this past season?  *
Please list the first and last name of (at least one) adult that will be marching/supervising in the parade:
Teeball & Peewee (1 adult for every participating player)
All other divisions must have a minimum of 1 adult/coach participate to supervise the team. Note: this person must ensure that each child gets picked up from his/her parent guardian following the parade. 
If you are able to bring a "backyard game" (ex, corn hole, ladder ball, wiffleball, etc) to play before the parade, please indicate below: 
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