Shaping your City, Vancouver's Greenest City Initiative by 2020
Climate change has been a rising area of concern, and has also played a significant role in contributing problems related to household waste and carbon emissions. In order to combat the issues relating to this, it is crucial to start by implementing changes in our lifestyle. Simple things in the daily life cause immense carbon emissions released into the air such as driving, which contributes to your personal carbon footprint. The more fossil fuels we burn, the more carbon gets emitted into the atmosphere.

Please note that questions are optional and fully anonymous.The results from this survey will help better mediate and introduce strategies towards an action plan and solution that can be tabled and voted for by Metro Vancouver City Council members.
What is your gender?
What is your age group?
Are you aware of carbon footprint?
Which type of the following food do you eat?
How much food would you say that your household usually throws away each week?
What do you think are the main reasons that food gets wasted in your household? (Check all that apply to you)
What food item do you find gets wasted most often in your household?
Your answer
What motivates you to avoid food waste?
How long do you use your electronic devices daily? (in hours)
How likely are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint?
What type of transportation do you use to get to work or school?
How much distance do you travel everyday on an average?
How likely would you drive on Highway 1 if a peak-hour tolling system would be implemented on the Port Mann Bridge?
Do you think you would use more transit if the Government provided subsidized transit pass fares to encourage ridership on busses and skytrain to reduce carbon emissions?
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