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HynixMC Staff Application
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Are you 21 years of age or older? *
What country do you live in?
Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
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Do you have a working mic?
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What timezone are you in?
How often can you participate in staff voice calls/meetings?
How active can you be during the week?
How long have you been playing HynixMC?
Have you ever been punished in the past from HynixMC?  
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Do you have any past experience as a moderator/helper?
Tell us your strengths:
Tell us your weaknesses:
Why should we choose you over other applicants?
What is your Minecraft username?
What is your Discord name? (eg. name#1234)
What is your favorite server WITHIN HynixMC?
How did you find our community?
Are you currently staff member on another server?
Extra Information
While we all get frustrated sometimes when players ‘don’t get it’ when trying to explain something multiple times, it doesnt give you the right to hurt the player’s feelings intentionally by making them feel stupid. Do you understand you are required to hold your composure at all times?
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Do you understand that you must be able to problem solve in certan situations when other staff members arent avalible to ask questions?
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Do you understand that you must be able to answer players questions accuratly and efficiently?
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Do you understand that you must be able to enforce rules when needed? (Obviously be humane about things)
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Do you understand that you must be able to take constructive criticism?
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By checking this box below you confirm that you are at least 13 years of age and/or have parental consent to be on this server .
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