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Karl Marx Pol-Soc Podcast Quiz
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1. What name does Karl Marx give to the 'Working Class' or 'wage earners'
5 points
2. What name does Marx give to the 'merchant' or 'business owning' group within society
5 points
3. What was the name of the British man, son of a wealthy factory owner, who collaborated with Marx in many of his books?
5 points
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4. What name is given to the struggle between those two groups (workers and business owners)? The C_______ S__________
5 points
5. Complete the following Marx quotation: " _______________ is the opium of the people"
5 points
6. From the list below identify Marx's two most influential works:
5 points
7. Which English word is the most appropriate translation of the idea Marx called the "Entfremdung" effect, where workers no longer feel connected to their work?
5 points
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8. In 1864, Marx was involved in setting up the "International Workingman’s Association", sometimes known as the 'First International'. Many argue that this was the first version of what modern type of workers' organization?
5 points
9. From the list below identify 3 countries with which adopted a form Communist government in the 20th Century:
3 points
10. Marx’s frequently visited grave in Highgate Cemetery in London is engraved on the base with a famous phase. Can you complete it? “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is, to ___________”.
2 points
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11. The final line of the 'Communist Manifesto' is probably one of the most famous lines written in the 19th Century. Can you complete it? "Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but you _________."
5 points
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