Queer Women Who Tech Summit NY // Lesbians Who Tech // Speaker & Event Application June 19 - 22, 2014
We're looking for amazing women to present at the Lesbians Who Tech Summit NY! We're also looking to organize events throughout the Summit.

We're interested in inspiring talks, workshops & meetups that cover any of these topics, or a combination:

LGBT issues in tech
Gender issues in tech
Career growth
Something cool that you've done or been a part of, using technology.

**The deadline to apply is April 20.**
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First Name *
Last Name *
Company Name *
Job Title *
Email *
Twitter Handle *
Type of Talk or Event *
Please let us know what type of talk you are envisioning at the Summit:
Theme *
Choose all that apply
Proposed Title *
These are not final titles
Please let us know what you are imagining and include location or date preferences if you have any.
I identify as *
Check all that apply
Video URL of previous speaking engagements
Not required, but helpful
Anything else we need to know?
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