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Bedford Radio volunteering
Thank you for your interest in getting involved with Bedford Radio.
Please complete this form, and we will send you details of induction and training sessions, which take place regularly, both online and in our studio in central Bedford.
Feb 2024
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First Name
Your answer
Your answer
Email Address
Your answer
Do you live in Bedford? (If not what connection do you have locally? eg work in Bedford or live just outside but visit regularly)
Your answer
How did you hear about Bedford Radio?
Your answer
What are you interested in? - Tick as many as you are interested in.
On-Air (presenting, producing, news, etc)
Off-Air (Helping run the station eg events, comms/marketing, admin, etc)
Do you have any previous experience of radio? if so please detail.
Your answer
If you would like to be a presenter what sort of programme/s are you interested in presenting? - Please describe the kind of show you would like to present. OR if you would like to become part of an existing show on a particular topic, please state which show.
Your answer
You must undertake some basic training to broadcast on Bedford Radio. This involves an induction sessions and three training sessions, either online or (hopefully) face to face. Are you able to commit to these?
Yes, I can commit to training
No, I am not able to commit to training
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Your answer
What age group are you in?
Under 16
Aged 16 or 17
18 or over
If you're under 18 what is your date of birth?
If you have any disabilities, access needs, or any additional support requirements that you would like us to take into account? Please briefly outline them here.
Your answer
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