The Billion Dollar Brand Podcast Deep Dive Submission Form 
You're here because you'd like Bill Harper and Bryan Elliott to take a look at your work and give you some feedback. 

This could be your marketing strategy; website UX | UI; branding elements like logo, typefaces (fonts), color schemes, design; Copyrighting; audio or videos; or anything else relevant to growing your business and brand. 

Apply here to have Bill & Bryan consider featuring your work on show. Important: We will be candid and truthful. If we think you're making a huge mistake, we'll let you know and how we would fix it. If it's inspired and magical we'll tell our audience how amazing it is. Deal? 

Your continued participation of filling out this form means you agree and consent to our terms. 
Email *
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Your first and last name *
Your answer
If you're selected, how can we reach out if we have follow up questions? What's the best email and mobile #? *
Your answer
Your role at the company *
Your answer
Briefly tell us why you're here *
Your answer
Please include any links to existing products or services. Example: Links to website, social media etc. *
Your answer
What problem are you trying to solve in your market? *
Your answer
Who is it for? In other words, who is your customer?  *
Your answer
What's it for? In order of priority, what are your goals for the business? *
Your answer
What's currently working? In other words, where are you seeing success? *
Your answer
What's at stake for you? In other words, what would it mean to have us do this analysis for you? *
Your answer
What question(s) haven't we asked yet that we should know about you and your situation? *
Your answer
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