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Mattapan Neighborhood Cultural & Historical Walking Tour Sign-up Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Mattapan Neighborhood Cultural & Historical Walking Tour, Sunday, October 1, 2023, 2-4pm. Please complete this short RSVP to help us keep track turnout and be in touch. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Please note: While our free and open to the public, we do require RSVP. 
We also ask for a $10 donation to help offset costs. Thank you!
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Your first and last name *
The best way to contact you to send a reminder (phone or email) *
Are you a resident of Mattapan? *
If you are not a resident, where do you live? *
Will you need language interpretation (check the box)? *
Please check yes if you agree to the following guidelines as confirmation of your reservation:
"I agree to arrive promptly on time, wear comfortable walking, and bring a water bottle. I undertsand that if I am late, I may lose my spot. Further, I understand that this opportunity is free and a $10 donation is suggested.
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