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Informal Geometry: Sign-Up Form
Please fill out this form for Mr. Rucker.

It is important to understand that this onsite course will expect you to attend classes regularly each week and follow scheduled deadlines. Read the course description for class expectations. 
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Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student ID Number (ex: 192837)

**do not include initials, if you do not know what it is, ask your advisor or reference ParentVue
Student Email *
Student Phone Number *
Student Grade Level *
Parent Last Name *
Parent First Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone Number *
What HS Math credits has the student already completed? Please check all that apply *
Name of Student Advisor *
Does student have access to reliable internet to utilize the online Google Classroom platform? *
I have reviewed the course description on the website and understand expectations for this class.  *
Do any of the following conditions apply to your student?  *
Any additional information you would like for me to know or be aware of (expand on previous answers, Care Plan, Expected absences, concerns) ? *
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