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I might offer a clichéd solution : ` No use <crying> over spilt milk . '
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The other headmen indicated their agreement by attending a feast given by the chief , though the women of the village ` <cried> , wrung their hands , tore their hair , and appeared to be in the utmost distress ' , at the notion of this fundamental change to tribal life .
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` There were women <crying> and a lot of anguish .
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People -- young people -- are not like that ' , the critics start to <cry> , forgetting that many children are painfully ( the word is carefully chosen ) aware of the fact .
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Be understanding if he or she suddenly starts wetting the bed or <crying> for attention following a bad dream in the night .
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She <cried> for help and the pair ran out of the shop .
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For example , when she accompanies the boys on an illicit night-time visit to the woods in order to retrieve the gun from the crashed aeroplane , she drops the torch , breaks it ( having previously failed to hold it straight ) , and begins to <cry> at the thought of dead bodies .
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Some electronics and car manufacturers are cutting down on hiring this year , but owners of small factories and restaurants are <crying> out for workers .
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The writer quoted an old Italian who , in discussing the merits of his own dual-purpose white cattle , explained : ` With beef cattle my children <cry> for milk .
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He began to <cry> .
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The cottage is essentially of the seventeenth century , but was restored in 1800 and greatly <enlarged> during the second half of the nineteenth century
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Sometimes when a small pattern is <enlarged> to fit a bigger foot the resulting shoe looks out of proportion .
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By working the image -- <enlarging> , layering and distorting -- she explores the multiplicity of meaning embedded in fragments of reflected reality .
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I share with my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister the hope that the Community will one day be able to <enlarge> its fold and that that enlargement will include some of the currently problematic countries of eastern Europe .
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These little blisters <enlarge> and eventually burst to form ulcers which are shallow and acutely painful to touch .
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They <enlarged> the scope within which the police could prevent picketing and they greatly narrowed the scope within which picketing could lawfully be undertaken .
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Faults may be <enlarged> by the sea into caves or even into tunnels through narrow promontories : spectacular examples of the latter are to be observed at Tintagel , north Cornwall , where a fault zone is followed by two through tunnels ( Wilson , 1952 ) ( Fig. 8.5 ) , the more important one being the well-known Merlin 's Cave beneath the Island .
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If this is a reasonable goal , we can thus greatly <enlarge> our vision .
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The exploitation of ethnicity may perhaps work as a form of primitive accumulation of cultural capital , but it does nothing to <enlarge> the audience or scope of such work , which is why most artists and writers of any stature have rejected this appellation , even if they have benefited indirectly from it .
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Working out the details took time , but the United East India Company came into existence in 1709 , and combined the assets of the two existing companies , at the price of <enlarging> their loan to the government to £3.2m. and reducing the interest charged to 5 per cent .
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