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Tandye Art Commissions
Here's how you can commission me! Please fill out the form and I will get back to you. If I accept your commission, I or my partner Angela will confirm the details with you, and I will send you a PayPal invoice for the cost in full. I begin work when payment has been completed.
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What can I call you? *
What's your email address? *
This is where I will email you to discuss your commission, and also where I will send your PayPal invoice if I accept.
What's your social media handle? You don't have to provide one, but it'll help me tag you in posts.
What sort of commission are you interested in? *
Always full color, always quality high rez .png. Transformations can be one image or up to five – you can mix and match Headshot, Half-body and Full-body to design the sequence you want.
What can I draw you? *
Please provide as much info as you like, including links to references. Don't worry if you forget to add something, we'll have more time to talk about details if I accept your commission!
Do you agree to abide by these terms? *
1. All communication and secretarial stuff is handled by my wife Angela. She enjoys it and it lets me focus on what I love best: drawing!

2. I am a mortal creature and will do my best to get your art to your quickly. My turnaround time is usually a few days to a few weeks. I will tell you if I need more time to work on your piece. If you need it by a certain date, please include it in your description.

3. I will draw NSFW work! I am supportive of most kinks (see below for no-gos), but that does not mean Angela or I want to talk at length with you about them, beyond what is necessary for the art.

4. You agree not to use this art for crypto, NFT, or AI training purposes.

5. I will not draw complicated backgrounds, complex mechanical characters, over-the-top gore (R-rated gore is fine), fetish art involving bathroom stuff, or anything that depicts or promotes abuse against animals, kids, people of colour or the LGBTQ community.

6. You can use the art you commission me for personal purposes. Please do not remove my signature.

7. I may show off a low-res, watermarked version of the art I do for you in my gallery and in social media posts. If you would like to be tagged in those posts, please ensure I have your handle. If you would prefer the commission to remain private, of course that's okay! Please just mention it as part of your request.

8. I reserve the right to refuse anyone's commission.
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