Course Evaluation: Data Analysis and Visualization Using R (WS1014)
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Evaluate the course overall. *
How did you feel about the pace of this course? *
3 means you felt the pace was appropriate
Too Slow
Too Fast
How helpful did you find each of the following elements of the course: *
Very Helpful
Somewhat Helpful
Not Helpful
N/A (Didn't Use)
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Page of Common R Errors
Are you a... *
What is your major, department or field? *
(e.g. Molecular Biology, Geosciences, Political Science, Undecided, etc.)
At the start of the course, how much experience did you have in: *
A Lot
Other Programming Languages
Any additional comments on the course?
If this course were given again, what suggestions would you have to improve it? *
How interested would you be in future sessions of this form covering further topics in R?
Not interested
Very interested
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