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High School I/O 2024 Registration Form
If you have any questions regarding the event or can no longer attend, please reach out to us at

HighSchool I/O will take place on November 9th. Participants can compete in person at the Hillard Innovation Learning Hub or virtually. Check-in will begin around 9:00am. The event will end by 8:00pm. 

Registration for the event closes on October 28th. In order to participate and have your project judged, you must have a team of 2-4 people. Before the event, you will have access to our discord server for those looking for a team. After completing this form, you will see a link on the confirmation page with a link to join discord.

More information about High School I/O can be found on our website at

** Note: If you are attending virtually be sure that you have a reliable connection! **

High School I/O is hosted by OHI/O— a student organization started in 2013 with the goal of fostering a tech culture at Ohio State and its surrounding communities. We organize multiple events throughout the year including our flagship 24-hour hackathon event, HackOHI/O. Check us out at!
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Email *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
Will you be attending online or in-person? *
Do you have any dietary or other restrictions? Please list them here or leave blank if none
What is your Discord username? *
Please write out your Discord username as Brutus Buckeye. Please note legacy Discord usernames (those formatted as Name#1234) are not supported. If you do not have a Discord username, please go to to sign up for one. Whether you are in-person or online, you'll need to be in discord for updates during the event.
What grade are you in? *
What high school do you attend? *
What is your gender? *
Student T-Shirt Size (Unisex Adult Sizes)
What is your parent/guardian's first AND last name? *
What is your parent/guardian's email address? *
This email will be used to send some additional forms. Your parent/guardian must be 18 years or older.
What is your parent/guardian's phone number? *
Describe your programming experience level. (1 = Beginner and 5 = Advanced) *
What information would you like to know about Ohio State, computer science, or college in general, if anything?
How did you hear about High School I/O? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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