Fall Lecture Series RSVP for OCTOBER 3
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TOPIC: Kicking off the year’s lecture series in the “Envisioning” category, this presentation will provide insight into the economic viability and financial sense of green development.  Ashley Lemon from ARES LLC will present the developer’s perspective on the business case of high performance buildings.  His talk will focus on three of the full-service development firm’s projects that exemplify the additional financial value derived from LEED certification, energy efficiency, and sustainable design.  As the market progresses and evolves, the business of green development has proven to strengthen both environmental design and economic sustainability.  Their belief is that sustainability in the building business does not come at financially nonviable cost premiums or under-performing assets.  In fact, it is just the opposite.  Investments in green development produce high performing, earnings-driven buildings--instead of typical real-estate commodities.  

PRESENTER: Ashley Lemon - AIA, Vice President of Design & Construction for ARES-
With over 20 years of experience, Ashley has contributed to more than 3.5 million square feet of built space in commercial, educational, retail, healthcare and residential projects. He leads the design efforts for all ARES LEED projects, as well as general oversight of project construction.

ARES is a nationwide, full-service developer, architect, construction manager and property services firm based in Golden, Colorado. The ARES group includes architects, engineers, contractors, construction management specialists, financing specialists, property managers, real estate brokers and support staff second to none in the industry. A recognized leader in build-to-suit User Effective workplaces, we focus upon building structures that are sustainable, economical, efficient, and humanistic.
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