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ASD Comic Book Club - November 2017
The ASD Comic Book Club aims to offer a safe and positive social environment for individuals 18+ years of age who are diagnosed with High Functioning Autism/Aspergers; while providing the chance to practice social skills while enjoying a comic book club experience!

This NEW Comic Book club will allow adults with Autism to engage with one another and learn about their favourite comic books in a positive and safe environment with help from Big B Comics and the Niagara Falls Public Library.

Autism Ontario Staff will be in attendance from 6:30pm until 8:00pm inclusively, and will include a Staff from the Library and from Big B Comics.

When : Thursday November 16 , 2018 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Where: Niagara Falls Public Library
4848 Victoria Ave, Niagara Falls, ON
 L2E 4C5

Cost: Free to attend

**Participants will need to find their own ride to and from the event in Niagara Falls. Transportation will not be provided. All participants will also need to register for each month's event, like the ASD Social Club, so we are able to see how many participants will be in attendance per month.**

Please contact the Adult support Coordinator, Vanessa Coens for questions at or 905-682-2776 ex. 203
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