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We Are In Wants to Hear From You!
We Are In is a community coalition of King County's unhoused and housed neighbors, local advocacy organizations and philanthropies, service providers, and businesses who are uniting to end homelessness and build more affordable homes in King County.

As a We Are In member, you are part of the solution to ending homelessness in our region. Our partnership is a starting point to learn, take action, and connect with others who are concerned about homelessness in our community and united to end it.

With our community growing, we want to get to know our members and hear your stories! We want to hear your questions and concerns. We want to hear your ideas about ending homelessness in the region. And we want to hear about the progress your community has made toward ending homelessness and stories of neighbors coming together to advocate for positive change. Your voice, opinions, and stories matter deeply to us at We Are In.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a quick survey for our members. Not all of the questions are required and most of them are open-ended. With your permission, we hope to share your stories with the rest of our community through social media, blog posts, and other channels in our ongoing efforts to advance solutions to homelessness and, ultimately, spark change.

Thank you in advance for your time on this form. We look forward to hearing from you!

In community,
Felicia Salcedo, Executive Director, We Are . When one of my close family become a homeless and there were limited options for her and children to get housing, at the end she have been scruffy to go back to her abuser to keep her children safe. Since than I felt I have to be part of this community to represent these people.
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Is there a program like this in the Mid-Columbia Gorge Oregon ?
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My name is Sawsen. In fact, I am living at Snohomish county but I have so many friends & family living on king county. 
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Why did you join We Are In? Why are you committed to ending homelessness in King County? To help families in needs to live a healthy and safe lives 
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Can you share any stories of your community coming together to support unhoused neighbors or to advance the movement to end homelessness? Sure
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Do you have a story of homelessness or housing instability?
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Is there anything else you'd like to share with We Are In?
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Are you comfortable with We Are In sharing your responses in owned content (i.e. social media, blog post, etc)?
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Is there a program like this in the Mid-Columbia Gorge Oregon ?
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My name is Sawsen. In fact, I am living at Snohomish county but I have so many friends & family living on king county. 
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Why did you join We Are In? Why are you committed to ending homelessness in King County? To help families in needs to live a healthy and safe lives 
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Can you share any stories of your community coming together to support unhoused neighbors or to advance the movement to end homelessness? Sure
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Do you have a story of homelessness or housing instability?
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Is there anything else you'd like to share with We Are In?
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Are you comfortable with We Are In sharing your responses in owned content (i.e. social media, blog post, etc)?
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