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New Membership Application 2025
Welcome to Chestnut Oaks! Please complete this form in its entirety and submit in addition to your electronic payment. Thanks!
  • Family Memberships are for individuals living together in one household in which there could be two adults over the age of 18 and any number of minor or dependent children. 
  • Dual Memberships are for households of two (or fewer) people in which at least one person is an adult. Dual memberships are available to two adults over the age of 18 sharing the same residence (married, cohabitating, related or unrelated) or one adult over the age of 18 and a minor child. Dual memberships are not available for households of more than two people.    
  • Capital Fee  has been prorated to $100 for members joining in 2025.  (A $150 capital improvements fee is payable once every 3 years beginning in 2024.)  
Email *

Adult Primary Member #1: First Name

Primary Members are limited to two (2) adults per household.  

Adult Primary Member #1: Last Name

Adult Primary Member #2 : First Name
Adult Primary Member #2: Last Name
Street Address *
City/State/Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact:  Name and Phone Number *
List All Dependents (if applicable):  
First/Last Name & Date of Birth
Jane Chestnut 1/1/2020
John Chestnut 1/1/2022
Jack Chestnut 1/1/2024
A dependent is defined as a family member claimed by parent(s) or legal guardian(s) for income tax purposes, who lives in the same household as the Adult Primary Member(s), and is under the age of 18 or 26 if the child is enrolled in college/university. 

Contact Email (one per household) *
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