Where Were You The Night Joe Paterno Was Fired?
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Where were you when you heard that Joe Paterno was fired? *
e.g. in my dorm room, in my house, in a meeting
How did you first hear the news? *
e.g. Twitter, Facebook, a phone call
What was your initial reaction? *
Do you have any photos from the night of November 9 — or any of the following nights — that you'd like to share? *
Photos can be of the "riots" downtown, vigils, memorials, or anything else that's relevant.
How do you feel Penn State has (or hasn't) changed since November 2011? *
Anything else you'd like to add?
With which group do you identify? *
What is your name?
This is for communication purposes only. We won't share this contact information.
How can we contact you? *
Your email and phone number, in case we want to talk to you. Again, we won't share this contact information.
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