Midwest Game Dev T-shirt
Do you live in the Midwest and love video games? Or make games? Or love them AND make them?
Isn't it cool when games get made around here?
Hi, I'm Nathan Fouts from Mommy's Best Games, and we love it so much we've made a shirt about it!

The design is on an American Apparel 'Oatmeal' shirt, and it is super soft, and wonderful to wear!
The shirt style is here: https://www.alphabroder.com/cgi-bin/online/webshr/prod-detail.w?sr=TR401&currentColor=AB
It is a two-color silk screen print, blended very well.
The shirt costs $17, plus some shipping.
PayPal only.
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The Design!
The shirt in action!
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Emails will only be used for this shirt order and not for spam.
Comments or Questions
You can ask questions here, or email me. 'nathan (at) mommysbestgames (dot) com'.
Select Shipping *
If you attend Game Dev Lou meetings, you can get it from me in person (in Lousiville), otherwise pick *WITH SHIPPING*..
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