EVS from A to Z - application form for participants
Dear partners and participants,

We would like to invite you to participate in the Training course “From A to Z about EVS” that will take place in Bulgaria in the period 27th November till 3rd December and will gather 28 youth workers, coordinators, supervisors and mentors from 8 countries - Albania, Croatia, Georgia, FYROM, Romania, Serbia, Spain and Bulgaria.

If you are ready to learn about EVS from A to Z, to share knowledge and experience, to have fun and explore further the Erasmus+ opportunities, than this training is for you. We prepared some questions which will enable us to select a functional group and to adjust the program according to its needs.

Selected participants will be informed by 11.11.2015. All applicants will be informed about the final decision.

For any further questions, please contact us at volunteers@cvs-bg.org or at + 359 884 766 451.

EVS from A to Z Team
Kathy, Natalie and Giorgia

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(name and surname)
Date of birth
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Full Address
(including post code and country)
Phone number
 (including country code)
Special needs
(health, allergy, dietary)
English Level
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Do you need visa?
Sending organization
Is the organisation you represent an accredited EVS organisation?
Does your organization plan to apply for an accreditation in the near future?
(only for organizations without accreditation )
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What is your role in the organisation and how you are (or will be) involved with EVS?
What is your previous experience in working with volunteers and EVS volunteers?
Why do you want to take part in this training course?
How can you contribute for the successful realization of the training?
Emergency contact
(name, phone)
Any other comments
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