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Be Very Resilient Referral Form
This form is for healthcare providers or
who would like to refer a patient to Be Very Resilient. The information collected is stored on a HIPAA-compliant platform.
After submitting this form, Be Very Resilient will contact the referred client no more than 48 business hours.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
What is your name? Please provide first & last name, and professional title (e.g. psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.)
Your answer
What is your organization or employer?
Your answer
What is your phone number?
Your answer
What is your fax number?
Your answer
What is the patient's name? Please provide first & last name.
Your answer
What is the phone number of the individual you are referring?
Your answer
Please provide a brief reason for your referral of this individual to Be Very Resilient.
Your answer
In your professional opinion, what are the diagnoses of the individual?
Your answer
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