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Grease Registration
For High School Students grades 9-12. 

Rehearsals will start November 2 and run every Saturday from 2-5.  Performances will be 3/15 (Tentatively) 

Cost will be $375 per student.   Early Bird (Payment before September 15) $350 
50% refund if requested by October 1 25% refund if requested by October 15 No refund after October 15
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Email *
Student Name *
Student Date of Birth *
Student Grade *
Student School *
Parent/Guardian 1 Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian 2 Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian 2 Email
Mailing Address *
Student Email (if Applicable)
Emergency Contact (other than parents) *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Please list any Allergies/Other Health Concerns
What size T shirt (Included in cost) *
Any additional T Shirts ($15 for YS-AXL, $18 for XXL, $20 for XXXL)
How did you hear about Constellations (Only answer if you are new to CTC.  If you were a personal reference, please let us know who told you about us.)
I understand that rehearsals are important and that too many unexcused absences may result in removal from scenes or loss of role.  *
I understand that Constellations takes pictures and videos to use to promote on Social Media.  I consent to allow my students images be used for this.
Are you willing to have your email added to the Constellations Boosters mailing list?
If you are interested in making a donation to the program to support this production please check below:
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