ESM Community Listing Submission
There's nothing we like better than seeing real examples of what creative minds are doing with Epic Stock Media Products. So as a benefit of being part of the Epic Stock Media Community we offer a free listing of your products/projects with an unqualified backlink to where it can be purchased. If you've made a purchase from ESM and you're interested in listing your project here complete the ESM Community Listing form and we'll get it posted.

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Company Name *
Who Made this? Who should be credited on the project. Example 1: Awesome Gaming Company  Example 2: Franky Fredrickson
Project Name *
Name of the Project.
Tell Us More About Your Project *
Give us more detail about your project! Tell Us what you want the Community to know about your project!  Say as Much or little.
Video Link *
If you have a Video Demo, Trailer etc add link here. If you only have Images Provide Link here
What Sounds Did You Use *
Let us know what library you used! Did it help etc if you know what sounds let us know or just state the library!
Rate The Sound Libraries *
Were the Sounds Helpful? Let us know what you thought.
Company Website *
Link to your Website, or page you want to promote!
Company Social 1
Link to your Facebook, Twitter or page you want to promote!
Company Social 2
Link to your Facebook, Twitter or page you want to promote!
Contact Email *
Email Address for Technical Support. A Place Where
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