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Bundle Blueprint - Any Occasion!
In order to personalize your Bundle as much as possible, the Bundle team would like to get to know you and the other player(s). Think through the times you’ve shared together and fill in your responses in the form below. (If you want other players to contribute , feel free to share this link with them!)

Write as much or as little as you'd like - we can work with any level of detail. Once you submit your responses, you'll receive your game in about 3-4 weeks. (Note: Virtual games have a faster turnaround! You'll receive your virtual game less than 1 week after you submit your Blueprint.)

Note: Here at Bundle, we love sharing in your stories. Making personalized board games with your favorite memories, traditions, and inside jokes brings us so much joy, but that is something that we take seriously. (Picture us very intently exclaiming, "We take fun seriously!) We would never sell your information to a third party; everything you tell us is in the strictest confidence and will only be utilized to make your Bundle. We pinky promise - and you know that's a big deal.
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Email *
Who will be playing this game? *
Provide your names, ages (this is optional if you don’t want to share!), and relationship to you.
Is there a particular occasion you are all celebrating? *
e.g. birthday, anniversary, graduation
Can you give us a bit of background on each of you? *
Include details such as: where everyone lives, activities you all enjoy, jobs you have, schools you attended, favorite movies/TV shows, etc.
What are a few of your favorite memories with each other? *
What kind of sense of humor do you have? What are some inside jokes you have, or things you tease each other about? *
Have there been one or two trips that you have taken together? If so, where have you gone? *
What are one or two things that you really treasure and hold dear? *
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about you and the other players? *
Is there a particular date you need this by? (You'll receive your game about 3-4 weeks after you submit your answers, but we can try to move faster on it if need be!) (Note: Virtual games have about a 1 week turnaround!) *
If you ordered a Virtual Bundle, how do you think you'll play it? (For context: We'll format the cards slightly different based on the platform you're using!)
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(optional) How did you hear about Bundle? :)
Do you have a few pictures (approx 3 to 5 pics) you'd like us to include in your game? (If so, email them to us at:
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