Demande d'accès en écriture
Tell the DOE How You Feel About Title IX
Hello folks! Are you interested in submitting a comment but don't want to go through all the red tape to do it? Good news, STAIV will do it for you!

All you need to do is write out your comment and then submit it to this form and STAIV will do the rest for you. Your comment can be as short or as long as you feel is appropriate, and can include sources or be written from personal experience. We do encourage that you discuss how these regulations will specifically affect you and your experience at Georgetown.

If you have questions about how to write a comment check out this brief video for more information:

If you're looking for a comprehensive synopsis of the regulations, we recommend this overview document from Know Your IX:

Other great resources include: &

The comment period ends Monday, January 28th, so we will accept responses on this form until Friday, January 25.  Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.

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