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Measuring the performance of your Supply Chain in 10 questions!
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How many stores do you have ? (OPTIONAL)
Number of stores.
How many wahehouses do you have ?
Number of warehouses.
How many products do you have ?
Number of products in your product listing.
How many product classes do you have ?
Number of groups of similar products.
How much is your annual sales ?
Annual sales amount in million €.
What is your margin ?
Gross profit margin in % (percentage of each revenue euro that is retained as profit after paying for the cost of production).
How much is your inventory value ?
Inventory value in million €.
How many orders are executed each month from your warehouses to your stores / customers ?
Number of orders per month received for all your warehouses.
How long is your average lead time to you selling points ?
Average lead time in days.
Please tell us what is the minimum stock coverage you can expect currently ?
We will measure the potential value you could get from your current DOS.
What is your service level ?
Service rate in %.
And last but not least, which one of the following is your top priority ?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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