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WAIT LIST - 2023 Miss Maker Workshop Registration            
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The 2023 Miss maker Workshop is at full capacity.  If you are still interested in attending, please fill out the form below to have your Childs name added to the wait list, should any spaces become available. If spaces become available, we will contact you to see if you are still interested in attending.
Participant First Name *
Participant Last Name *
Select date you'd like to added to the waitlist
If any spots open up, do you have a preference of which date?
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Participant Current Grade *
T-shirt size
Shirts are Adults Sized T-Shirts
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Parent/guardian First Name *
Parent/guardian Last Name *
Parent/guardian email
Parent/guardian Phone
Please enter a phone that can be reached during the time of the event.
Emergency contact name
Provide a contact phone if you can't be reached during the event
Emergency contact phone number
Provide a contact phone if you can't be reached during the event
Does your child have any allergies or anything else we need to know?
Participant Current School
Participant High School
Please enter the name of the High School the participant will attend.
Where did you hear about the Miss Maker Workshop?
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