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Senior Cat Pre-appointment Survey
Please take some time to complete the following questions before your cat's appointment. This survey is to help your vet fully understand your cat's current health condition.
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Your first and last name:
Your cat's name:
What is your cat's ability to jump up?
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What is your cat's ability to jump up to kitchen-counter height in one try?
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What is your cat's ability to jump down (how well and how easily)?
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What is your cat's ability to play with toys and/or chase objects?
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What is your cat's ability to play and interact with other pets?
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What is your cat's ability to get up from a resting position?
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What is your cat's ability to lie and/or sit down?
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What is your cat's ability to stretch?
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What is your cat's ability to groom themself?
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How often does your cat vomit or bring up hairballs?
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Is your cat restless, unsettled or vocal at night?
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