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Quest CM Handbook Quiz (for pages 1-20)
To help you become more familiar with different aspects of the Children's Ministry, please use this to assess how well you know how things run! There is a $5 gift card for those who get at least 15/20 (75%) questions correct!
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What are the 3 key components of the Mission of the RBC CM? *
1 point
You are able to arrange the room to add your touch to the room. *
1 point
According to Mike Meyer's 1st grade Sunday school teacher, what happens to infants during the critical age between babies to 2 yrs old? *
1 point
The following items are NOT allowed in carpeted  rooms: (check all that apply) *
1 point
When are leaders expected to be available in their rooms to receive children? *
1 point
During child check out leaders should do the following for security/safety (check all that apply): *
1 point
In emergency situations, what is provided in each room? (check all that apply) *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: There is a first aid kit at the Quest desk.
1 point
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Rules of the road: (check all that apply) *
1 point
Before you leave...(check all that apply) *
1 point
Children's ministry supply room...(check all that apply) *
1 point
On page 20 of the CM handbook, there is a list of internet resources for leaders to use for the following: *
1 point
What are some ways to help visual learners? *
1 point
What are some ways to help group learners? *
1 point
How can we help motion learners? *
1 point
True or False: When a child is being disruptive to the point of distracting the lesson, they should be brought to the Quest desk. *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: No adult may be alone with any ONE child at any time. *
1 point
Name the 3 age groups in the Awana program. *
1 point
The Awana program does 3 of the following: *
1 point
What percentage of adults who have gone through Awana still attend church on a weekly basis? *
1 point
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