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Dam Nail Polish Swatchers Application
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Are you over 18? *
I can only accept swatchers that are 18 or older.
Personal Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Social Media
You must participate in some type of social media dedicated to nail polish to be considered to be a Dam Nail Polish swatcher.
Number of followers
Number of followers
Number of followers
Number of subscribers
Other Social Media
Do you have a US mailing address? *
Currently, I am unable to send swatchers packages outside the US, but please indicate if you are outside the US, but willing to pay for shipping.
Will you accept a swatchers discount? *
I can only choose a few swatchers with each release, but may be able to offer my new releases at a discounted rate.
What is your turnaround time for swatching an average collection (3-5 polishes)? *
How comfortable are you with swatching thermal nail polish? *
I work with a lot of thermal nail polishes and photographing transitioning thermals can be tricky.
Feel free to elaborate on any of the questions above in the text box below
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