Great Saints Dinner 2024 Nominations
Our annual dinner (Friday, November 15, 2024) celebrates the St. Christopher's Alumni community and honors our distinguished alumni. Our 4 awards and descriptions are below. Please share your nominations with the Event Committee for any or all of the awards.

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George C. Howell, Jr. '29 Award
Given in honor of an outstanding alumni volunteer, this award was named in memory of George C. Howell, Jr. ’29, a longtime class agent and loyal volunteer who was able to rally his class to 100% participation year after year. This award is given annually to the alumni volunteer(s) who best exemplifies Mr. Howell’s tireless dedication to alumni support at St. Christopher’s.

Please provide nominee along with why you feel they deserve the award.
Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award
Given to an alumnus who embodies the vision that Dr. Chamberlayne had for St. Christopher’s graduates. This alumnus is a living example of St. Christopher’s mission, living a life of honor and integrity and demonstrating dedication to service and leadership.

Please provide nominee along with why you feel they deserve the award.
Class of 1964 Service Award
Created in honor of the Class of 1964 who, as a group, have led by example and continue to serve others at some sacrifice to themselves. This award is given to an alumnus who has made a significant positive impact on their community.

Please provide nominee along with why you feel they deserve the award.
Young Alumni Achievement Award
Given to a young alumnus of St. Christopher’s School (less than 20 years out of STC) for recognition of significant accomplishments in service to community, business or professional life.

Please provide nominee along with why you feel they deserve the award.
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