English Paper III - Sept/13/12 Deepti Vibhuti
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Read this passage and answer questions 1 to 4:
''He was born in 1879,10 years after Gandhi was born,and 10 years before Nehru was born.His political life began 1919 and continued until his death in 1973.And that was the second,  big surprise of Periyar: that he should have lived so long,that his career should have for many years run parallel with that of Gandhi,and that Gandhi,through many of later years of his struggle and search,should have had at his back this figure of the anti-Hindu who finally became the ant-Gandhi,a man whose life and career echoed and reversed much of Gandhi's own.
                                                                                                                  He was different from Gandhi,opposed to him,and yet in some ways-in his discovery of his cause,his working out ways to serve it,his lifelong adherence to it and above all,in his practical business sense-he was like Gandhi.Like Gandhi,Periyar was born into a Hindu merchant caste.Gandhi came from a family of small-scale administrators. Periyar came from a family of well-to -do merchants. Periyar was not  as well educated as Gandhi,and it could be said that he was more devout and traditional. Gandhi went against the principles if his caste and traveled to London to study Law. Periyar in his mid twenties(while Gandhi was in South Africa,fighting hard battles),went to Banaras to live the life of a sanyasi,to live naked,on the aims of the devout,in the hope of finding some kind of spiritual illumination''
1.Who is the central subject of the passage?
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2.The passage basically reveals:
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3.How long did Periyar Live?
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4.What is the spirit of the passage?
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5.Which tale of Chaucer tells the story of the murder of a child by Jews?
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6.Spenser's "The faerie Queene Book 1" pertains to:
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7.'They Flee from me,that sometime did me seke with naked forte stalkyng within my chamber" These lines are from:
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8.Match the list and List II and choose the correct option:
(List I :-)                                                          List II
I )Nerissa,                                                      (a)Henry IV
II)Emilia,                                                        (b)Hamlet
III )Horatio,                                                     (c)Othello
Iv)Mistress Quickly                                        d)The Merchant of Venice
Match list I with list II and choose the correct option:
(List I :-)I )Nerissa, II)Emilia,III )Horatio,Iv)Mistress Quickly  ( List II:-)(a)Henry IV,(b)Hamlet,(c)Othello,(d)The Merchant of Venice
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9.Identify the character who is described as an Over-reader:
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10.The famous character of Victoria occurs in the following Jacobean Play:
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11.Which Restoration play is loosely based on Moliere's La Misanthrope?
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12.A Metaphysical Conceit implies:
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13.Who accompanies Christiana on the Pilgrimage taken by her husband?
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14.Identify the poem from which the following lines are taken:
"When I consider how my light is spent,
Ere half my days,in this dark world and wide''
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15.Name the poemin which epic conventions are trivialized in order to satirize the fashionable metropolitan world:
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16.The Battle of Books was written in response to a work by:
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17.Which of the novel stated below subverts the conventions of the novel writing through its innovative technique?rough
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18.Excessive romanticism is attacked by Sheridan through the character of:
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19.The following author did not contribute to the philosophy of Enlightenment:
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20.Identify the work which deals with the motif of incest:
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21) The following novel of Sir Walter Scott has medieval element in it:
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22.Coleridge’s poem ‘Love is addressed to:
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23)  In which of the following works, the element of pathos is found?
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24.Identify the poem:
“Where are the songs of spring?
Ay where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy
 Music too”

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25.‘Reader, I married him.’ Which novel ends with this statement?
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26)   The main theme of The Way of All Flesh is:
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27)  Which one of the following poems is not a dramatic monologue?    
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28)  Identify the figure who is not associated with utilitarianism:
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29) Identify the correct chronological order of the works from among the following option:      
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 30) Identify the lines and state in which poem do  they occur:        
       “I and Public know
       What all school children learn
       To whom evil is done
       Will do evil in return.”

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31) ‘The Alexandria Quartet’ is a work by:
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32) Identify the play of T.S.Eliot in which the Furies (Eumenides) are used
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33) Which of the following novels is considered a bildungsroman?  
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34)  There is a dream sequence in the following play of G.B. Shaw:      
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35) Identify the author of the verse play A Phoenix Too Frequent:    
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36) What among the following is not an attribute of Beckett’s dramatic technique in Endgame?
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37) What is the message in the work The Chairs?  
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38)  ‘Little England’ is a recurring theme in the group of poets named below:
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39) Who is the author of the novels known as “The Alexandria Quartet”?    
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40) In an ideal tragedy, according to Aristotle:  
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41) Eliot talks about ‘Historical sense’ in the essay:
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42) According to Wordsworth, a poet:            
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43)  According to F.R.Leavis, the great tradition of English novels does not include:
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44) Which critic talks of total structure and local texture?    
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45. “ Outside the whale there is genuine need for political fiction, for books that draw new and better maps of reality ………..” Whose critical observation is this?      
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46) The Marxist literary critic Terry Eagleton has called the following critic’s writings as “inaccessible”.    
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47) We associate culture materialism with the following critic:        
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48) Words such as ‘Heteroglossia’ and ‘Polyphony’ have been used by the critical school mentioned below:
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49) “Is There a Text in the Class?” was written by:              
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50) “Framing Fannon” is an essay written by:              
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51.The Norman Conquest of 1066 A.D introduced into English a large number of:
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52.One of the major Phonetic changes that differentiates Middle English from Early Modern English is:
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53.Audio-Lingual method often uses reiteration of a certain grammatical structure in the classroom.The activity is termed as:
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54.One of the following thinkers markwed a move from the structural method of ELT to a more communicative one.Who was he?
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55.A pre-task is a kind of task that is used for:
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56.In Aristophanes' The Frogs,Euripides is judged to be inferior to:
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57.No tragedy of Corneille reveals the psychological tensions between:
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58.Moliere's La Misanthrope deals with the conflict between:
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59.Which of the following novels is written by Albert Camus?
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60.Jean Paul Sartre was a renowned:
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61. Vijay Tendulkar uses the 'Play within play'technique in;
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62.Arrange the following works of Amitav Ghosh in sequential order.Answer the question with the help of the code
(I) The Shadow Lines
(II) The Circle of Reason
(III) The Glass of Palace
(IV) The Calcutta Chromosome
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63. Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things is set in the part of Kerala called:
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64.Summer in Calcutta is a poetical collection of:
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65.Which of the following poets did not adapt The Ramayana into his mother tongue?
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66.Where does The Glass Managerie take place?
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67.The narrative in T:he Bluest Eye is divided into Four Parts.Each part is named after a
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68.Margaret Atwood's Survival makes a case for:
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69.Which one of the following is not a part of V.S.Naipaul's trilogy on India?
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70.Identify the autobiographical play ogf Eugene O'Neill:
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71.The reader-Response theory implies:
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72.'Provincializing Europe'is a concept propounded by:
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73.Who amongst the following belongs to the radical feminists group?
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74.Who among the following does not belong to the Frankfurt School?
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75.Identify the Foundational text of Indian aesthetics from the following:
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